
July 13, 2007

Mr Keatings outburst 

Copyright Bern How do explain this behavoir- Former PM's Mr Keatings outburst . He has had all the power in the world , and yet he seems like he can't leave it alone .

Sir H
Well , it is not a well known fact ( esp amongst the plebs) that having power is not the same as having power .

Bern What has that got to do with the price of grumpy old men mate ?

we'll you see; I expect that like many PM's he was surprised at how little he could do , even when he had the top job . So when someone appears to get action in the job , or gets it easy , they can feel miffed .

Bern seems a bit childish, none the less .
Sir H wel i am afraid Bern , if you want to realistic , that is the type of person we have to work with . Make the most of it Bernard and you will do well .

Bern we are realists then eh ?
Sirh You bet . Its hard getting someone who knows and thinks into the top job because its a place where angels fear to tread . Those whose sense of person exceeds their good sense are prime candidates for the job.

Bern And the outburst -

Sir H a form of fanaticsm common to our age . Our real problems are a sense of powerlessness and provided we/ they face that , maybe there is hope .

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