
May 13, 2019

The nature of the wannabe  

Bern  Since watching that great series on The Crown and Line of duty,  I have  been thinking about your precis of what those titles mean for people we should respect ;    KCMG . GMG  and all that

Sir H   Well ,,as you well know , they refer to objects of worship .   The greatest danger of course is that  the person to whom honor is given  takes that honor  holy to himself ; the person thinks they are God . for example GCMG  where he thinks God calls me God.
Best boy ( to himself ) So Dostoevsky was right ; if leaders /wannabes don't believe in God,  they become God. 
Bern  I've been writing about that since they sacked us all and put their own golden cloth salesmen in   The people, being more sensible than wannabes,  like heavenly minded.,  but the new religions wannabes attempt to convince themselves,  not only that they don't have a religion ( giving them denial and all its consequences) but don't even see that their new unworkable version of the world doesn't  work -adoption of the naturalistic fallacies means their action plans  are of "little earthly use" ( as used to said solely of Christians - esp the many unthinking ones ) . The reactionaries  have spent their lives working and living in the closet and  work on guilt not understanding. It's all very well to jump the ship that your ancestors brought you here on,  as long as you know what keeps boats floating. 
Cameraman (to best boy & sound engineer ) How did you go with installing that BS filter ?
Best boy-  they burnt out first day . the software was designed by the wannbes   own clones---- noon can tell what is a  good word  and a bad word , so when does one know when to use any ?
SirH  On keeping the shaky boat floating ; The behavior of the Brexit congregation suggests some might just shoot their own ship in the hull.  One can only hope a new generation of young people learn to stand up and say "we need a democratic convention " to ensure people keep believing in it - so that  every voice has the chance, not only to be heard, but processed properly. SBS do that sort of thing better than our ABC in some areas.  Ideally and practically democracies can work if the really productive and mature are heard and the immature get the chance to test and learn " -it should be a learning family .not one run by the children "The numbers game model  ( one vote one value etc)  is not the model handled down to us from our more per suavish ancestors .

Bern  How even the most suave and clever of us is be still ignorant and subject to our own arrogance ?

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