
February 25, 2008

Garnauts report : More interim than most people realise 

BERN ;( to sir humph: What did you think of Garnauts report
BERN : rather thin eh?
SIRH What did you expect, bernard the wannabes want it simple; so we give it to em that way
BERN But it says nothing . really I mean the cow cockies wouldn't know whether the government wants their cows to piss, fart or belch .

SIRH Me neither . tha'ts the idea bern - we need money to find out. to decide ( page 53) Its all about the future - our future . being able to keep researching till we get some answers

BERN But what about the press they want garrett or wong to say something concrete . wong to say whats wong .

SIRH No bernard, you have got it wrong . They have won the election that's what is was about . lights and mirrors. Labor created a problem they could solve to win an election . The solution is in the mirror.
BERN But the press are going to focus in on ETS

SIRH Thats fine bernard ;its a perfect mirror : whoever dreamed up ETS has long gone from reality therapy and garnaut is trying to tell them that
BERN : I get it "long and difficult" - means so far away its irelevant to a politician.

But what about those who are troubled by our addiction to oil ?

Sir H Bern such great people need to study the substance in detail . We are not here to solve problems - neither are the polys ---they just want me, like them, to pretend old problems are really new ones . They want arrows to fire today

BERN you mean they don't want to meet targets - just shoot some arrows
Don't be totally discouraged by the antics and distracted firing of the powerful dogood

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