
June 06, 2008

Forget global warming--- ya pants are on fire 

Bern to sir H
How do you think the Minister for childrens services will go defending the governments carbon trading policy tonight on lateline ?

Sirh Ask me another question
Bern " Do you think the PM Wong and Garret have read the Manhattan Declaration?
SirH Well who are they ?
Bern over 500 scientists ....at a conference on climate change
Sirh are they the sort that agree with our current wannabes?
....OK what did they say

Bern There is no convincing evidence that the Co2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past , is now or will in the future , cause catatrophic climate change
SirH Well......... of course they wouldn't have read it
Bern Surely the PM need to be advised about it - Its a bit inconvenient if they ditch the whole "inconvenient truth " claim . we don't want to get the blame if he finds out that his change lady has got nowhere to change to .
Siur h he may be happy just to know its an industry group driving the conference.
Bern but it ain't.
sirh well call it an interest grp then
bern one of independant scientists ?
Sirh no just an interest group - one word will suffice .. Like " change" its a word that can mean anything anytime - perfect for these..... dummies.

Bern ( under his breath) with more interest than ....those really have clearly!

Sometime later in Cabinet rooms ( this is all mere speculation mind you)
PM to WONG How' s the carbon trading scheme going Penny? (anyone seen the film Chicken Run ?)
Wong doesn't answer
Garnaut to Wong
I'm sorry miss , you-- only asked me to answer one question .
Close advisor to staff ( wispering ) Try to stop Garnaut from smiling - he doesn't look seriuos enough !!!!!
Garrett The solar system is now overheating
Bern Whht did he say ? I think all this warming talk is just going too FAR !
Its also getting awefully hot in here.... don't you think .
SirH No he means the hot water thingy . How about a drink? - Even I can't use all this everywhere at once hot air talk !
Bern At least when it was in our atmosphere , we could control it . .
Sirh( smiling a bit himself) Do we know any climatologists studying in outerspace ?

SirH to bern ( once they get out ) just watch the meltdown when Wong tries to get some traction . Is there anyone in her collection of faithful friends who can move her on from here?
Bern Not NASA again? Bobs trying to help you know .
SirH --No the -Emperors new clothes are coming out again

Bern - lucky Garrets not wearing them eh!

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