
October 11, 2011

Slow cooking 

Bern : How do you think Julia is going?
Sir H   She is obviously very , very clever . Labor caucus too are very clever--If they do anything well they can move fast . Who else could introduce a tax without that tax hurting anyone you know . Only the big sinners of all time will suffer - the big bogeymen of big business .

Bern  But won't a few Labor people see through this old lie and this superficial simplicity about economics?.
Sir H No..... provided she holds her nerve,  the use of fossil fuels will fall in 10 years ( economic factors ) and she has the prospect of being known ( superficially) as one of the most capable courageous polys ever .( should she pull it off)
Bern But that fall in use levels will have nothing to do with a carbon tax
Sir H  That's.. why its a brilliant strategy. She wins , we think we win .  Great intentions, great impressions
Bern Only takes a few people to tell the truth though , to make the people realise they are like those frogs ---being cooked up slowly by a small increase in temperature and pressure .The general tax doesn't work as the productivity commission and any academic of addition, productive economic theory will tell you -hippocket works but only if its"  well targeted and well placed". This way  the poor and  the addicted suffer and people die and give up - its crude and pathetic
SirH   Crude and Pathetic eh?  its taken you a while to sum up the substance of some!

Bern : Sometime I wish the people were more intelligent 

Sir H So do I... but the media they rely on are backward ,reactionary and revisionist; even sycophantic and religious.
Lucky for  new Labor(  like the one that put Rudd in ); The more effective wannabe groups  win by taking the religious nature RN  of the whole  constituency seriously and use it - beats ignoring the RN  like the media have been trying to do for years.
Bern Takes one to know one perhaps ?

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