
October 13, 2011

Kisses, Hugs and Blessings over the Future Fund 

Prime minister Gillard  and former Prime Minister Rudd hug and kiss on the floor of Parliament yesterday,  as do many others after the vote to establish a Carbon Tax is passed.(Wednesday  12th October 2011)
PM Gillard talks of grabbing the future with both hands. The main apparent difference between Gillard and Peter Costello's "Future fund" is that the Greenlabor have nailed "the future "to the wall  
Reducing carbon dioxide , or so they say . Mind you the Act will set up a completely new taxation administration division to manage it. New game, New rules  and after spending Costello's future fund , they not only intend to grow their own fund , they appear to leave the rules of this new authority to administer for themselves
Very hands off . 

Our reporter Maximus is on the scene . We wondered how Sir Humphrey would like this new world order where Governments grabs the wheel every so often and then  hands it back quite deliberately (Copyright EA 13th October 2011 REST IS ON  On Youtube )
SirH Nothing new in that really . One day they want the power . The day after , they don't want the responsibility .
Maximus A bit childlike really
SirH  Yes , but completely normal and natural - infact we were good at dealing with that , when we had the chance
Maximus  You mean you don't get the chance any more ?
SirH No,  they didn't like the fact that we disagreed about HOW ... ever,  but we managed to hang around despite them - at least until Maggie and her clones got the hatchet out .

(In the room today we have a highly experienced independent soil scientist whose profession is set to get a major boost in the new compliance division of the new Authority to be set up to manage, maintain and keep integrity in collecting and handing out "the Fund" .  Independent Windsor and other Regional representatives have voted for the tax  in the hope of sequestering carbon in soils. 

Bern  So will it work Tony ?
Tony : How about  I tell you after my contract is over
 Bern : Cummon ...You  must have a view of how to make this GRAND HISTORIC MOMENT  this historic move to work for the future of Regional areas. ........More on YOU TUBE ..

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October 11, 2011

Slow cooking 

Bern : How do you think Julia is going?
Sir H   She is obviously very , very clever . Labor caucus too are very clever--If they do anything well they can move fast . Who else could introduce a tax without that tax hurting anyone you know . Only the big sinners of all time will suffer - the big bogeymen of big business .

Bern  But won't a few Labor people see through this old lie and this superficial simplicity about economics?.
Sir H No..... provided she holds her nerve,  the use of fossil fuels will fall in 10 years ( economic factors ) and she has the prospect of being known ( superficially) as one of the most capable courageous polys ever .( should she pull it off)
Bern But that fall in use levels will have nothing to do with a carbon tax
Sir H  That's.. why its a brilliant strategy. She wins , we think we win .  Great intentions, great impressions
Bern Only takes a few people to tell the truth though , to make the people realise they are like those frogs ---being cooked up slowly by a small increase in temperature and pressure .The general tax doesn't work as the productivity commission and any academic of addition, productive economic theory will tell you -hippocket works but only if its"  well targeted and well placed". This way  the poor and  the addicted suffer and people die and give up - its crude and pathetic
SirH   Crude and Pathetic eh?  its taken you a while to sum up the substance of some!

Bern : Sometime I wish the people were more intelligent 

Sir H So do I... but the media they rely on are backward ,reactionary and revisionist; even sycophantic and religious.
Lucky for  new Labor(  like the one that put Rudd in ); The more effective wannabe groups  win by taking the religious nature RN  of the whole  constituency seriously and use it - beats ignoring the RN  like the media have been trying to do for years.
Bern Takes one to know one perhaps ?

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