
August 13, 2009

Do they understand what they are doing? 

Bern Do you think The PM is worried that his love affair with hot air around the world could cost him the election? Is he worried by Barnaby 's reminder about John Hewsons advance of a new tax and its cost this week ?

Will he, like Chamberlain, please the United Nations, but lose the people?

Sir H I haven't detected that , I think they all still believe that they are doing the right thing and they will hold the confidence of the people till the election . Mind you having an assistant to the assistant minister for writing wongs doesn't sound awefully convincing ?
Bern fair enough - I agree, they seem to be confident , but do you think the people are silly enough to fall for still more newly named carbon tokens and there ever changing implications ?

Is not the whole basis for this grand new tax coming adrift? What are they aiming at oil , carbon dioxide or farts in general? Doesn't look like anyone is going to see the carbon dioxide-- carbon economy connection as a real one in 6 months time.
The amazing thing is that Fielding - that complete outsider , has got them running , first off family first , on just that point!
SirH Yes confidence is a dangerous thing . It can keep you going when you should have stopped and had a good rest and reflection . Make a first perhaps ? - intellectual suicide , economic suicide ( Barnaby's )topped off by political suicide.

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