June 14, 2009
Making it easy for the Minister
Bern:Gee, you were hard on the PM's ideas yesterday. Have you ever really welcomed one of his ideas?
SirH Not that I can think of.
bern There was, I remember, that time when HE wanted YOU to look after some new department the govt had just created . They were really concerned about the environment being neglected , so they created a new deparment to focus on it . You didn't respond very well when he offered the job to you , but you said " yes" later with the thumbs up - not like you at all!
Sirh yes true , But Bernard we always love it when they do the right thing
bern its just not nice to sound too pleased - too supportive?
Sirh Makes them suspicious .Also , if they knew we were wrapped ; that we agreed with them , they get nervous . After all, if they think about it too much they would realise they don't really like the idea of more departments. Got to maintain the illusion that this new departmnet will be one that THEY can control .
Bern Fair enough - Praise all the time can wear a little thin ; so doing what's expected is not always recommended?
SirH Bernard -Yes bernard YES If only they could see how predictable their behaviour can be. They might be less inclined to talk revolution and think more clearly about reform. Not that we mind, mind you .
Duplication , the good distraction, is good for business; Our business
Cameraman Good for distracting YOU from reforming the enemy within
(Afterwards in the lounge )SirR ... (Discussing bernards wish) They think they are creating new forms of responsibility when they create departments, as if real progress had something to do with printing money- which is about all they achieve by duplication.
Bern Don't they get rid of staff in the process?
Sirh bernard really - do you not realise what you are saying ?
Cameraman (- to himself alone) Duplication -the enemy within
Didn't SirR say something about permanance is power ,change is castration ?
Sirh A toast to them all, I say !
SirR I wonder if they are stupid enough with the Big Bushfire questions to fall for creating a new department of emergency incident management? would be called Department of Incident Management; Would enable them to deflect attention away from themsleves, and onto some head of department.
PM ( were he present) What a good idea
echo... and onto some head of department.
Bern Whose totally responsible!
SirH DIM in name, Dim in nature
bern Very droll
Bern Give it a new name--- they would love that !
SirH Mmm ...As long as we can convince them to change it if their brilliant idea for a new name quietly reveals the name and nature of the real business
Bern How can that be?
Sir H Well on the best advice available to them ,The Victorian government created DOPI and DOSE to replace any number of more focused organsations and eliminated , in name only, the department of Constant Name Review CNR. ... Just an example
SirR Just typical
Cameraman-Who said Labor lacked zeal- they live for revolution and reshuffe
Bern But they are really concerned to protect the Environment! What else can they do ?
Cameraman ( thought only) Why don't they just leave it alone? Copyright Emperors Academy
Many of us remain passionate to improve government effectiveness and competency in looking after our Island home. It won't happen while the environment is treated as just another subset of other management areas and systems .Understanding a process of planning that works is the key . If you would like to discuss the unique difficulty of this challenge - arrange a consultancy with Emperors Academy or watch HERE
SirH Not that I can think of.
bern There was, I remember, that time when HE wanted YOU to look after some new department the govt had just created . They were really concerned about the environment being neglected , so they created a new deparment to focus on it . You didn't respond very well when he offered the job to you , but you said " yes" later with the thumbs up - not like you at all!
Sirh yes true , But Bernard we always love it when they do the right thing
bern its just not nice to sound too pleased - too supportive?
Sirh Makes them suspicious .Also , if they knew we were wrapped ; that we agreed with them , they get nervous . After all, if they think about it too much they would realise they don't really like the idea of more departments. Got to maintain the illusion that this new departmnet will be one that THEY can control .
Bern Fair enough - Praise all the time can wear a little thin ; so doing what's expected is not always recommended?
SirH Bernard -Yes bernard YES If only they could see how predictable their behaviour can be. They might be less inclined to talk revolution and think more clearly about reform. Not that we mind, mind you .
Duplication , the good distraction, is good for business; Our business
Cameraman Good for distracting YOU from reforming the enemy within
(Afterwards in the lounge )SirR ... (Discussing bernards wish) They think they are creating new forms of responsibility when they create departments, as if real progress had something to do with printing money- which is about all they achieve by duplication.
Bern Don't they get rid of staff in the process?
Sirh bernard really - do you not realise what you are saying ?
Cameraman (- to himself alone) Duplication -the enemy within
Didn't SirR say something about permanance is power ,change is castration ?
Sirh A toast to them all, I say !
SirR I wonder if they are stupid enough with the Big Bushfire questions to fall for creating a new department of emergency incident management? would be called Department of Incident Management; Would enable them to deflect attention away from themsleves, and onto some head of department.
PM ( were he present) What a good idea
echo... and onto some head of department.
Bern Whose totally responsible!
SirH DIM in name, Dim in nature
bern Very droll
Bern Give it a new name--- they would love that !
SirH Mmm ...As long as we can convince them to change it if their brilliant idea for a new name quietly reveals the name and nature of the real business
Bern How can that be?
Sir H Well on the best advice available to them ,The Victorian government created DOPI and DOSE to replace any number of more focused organsations and eliminated , in name only, the department of Constant Name Review CNR. ... Just an example
SirR Just typical
Cameraman-Who said Labor lacked zeal- they live for revolution and reshuffe
Bern But they are really concerned to protect the Environment! What else can they do ?
Cameraman ( thought only) Why don't they just leave it alone? Copyright Emperors Academy
Many of us remain passionate to improve government effectiveness and competency in looking after our Island home. It won't happen while the environment is treated as just another subset of other management areas and systems .Understanding a process of planning that works is the key . If you would like to discuss the unique difficulty of this challenge - arrange a consultancy with Emperors Academy or watch HERE