
April 04, 2007

The drug culture - speed especially 

Bern : Sir H, Don't you think it's good that Mr Howard has expressed concern over all the experienced people who have left our ranks over the last few years . The experienced ones's that leave early.

SirH Yes Bernard , of course , but if they are going to stop them leaving, leaders need to make up their minds about who they really want in the job.
Do they want Hares OR Tortoises? I don't think they really know!
You see , they have wanted us to cultivate hares instead of tortoises for decades and we have been pretty good at doing what they ask for .Government on both sides obviously prefer the sweet monoculture of more speed to the substantial substance that comes from having experienced and diverse staff.

Bern I see - Any impression of slowness in our institutions reflects on them .
Sir H Got it

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