July 18, 2011
Very Courageous Julia
Bern Do you think Julia is being a bit simple ----thinking the people just need a few facts on the carbon tax ? Our Prime Minister wears out her shoes to explain new taxes and failed policies .
SirH Of course Bernard You know new leaders always think they know. Doesn't matter which party . The difference in Australia in 2011 is that....... I'm not there now and you're not there now either .
Bern And the bloke that is there ---- was so many rungs down when I left , I didn't even know who he was
Sir H He probably knew he wasn't up to the job ( reached his level of incompetence a lot lower on the ladder ) at the time .
Bern So what option has he got --he would realise noone else seemed to know more than he did , wanted the job , or could say yes in quite the right way, plus , he was impressed/ overwhelmed with the offer and honor .Where angels fear to tread .
SirH Worse Bernard - an honest bloke like you wouldn't get the job NOW because you wouldn't fall for the quick fix of new clothes , that gets many new leaders and fad fanciers in . You too know that business doesn't know best, (only whats best for it) , but some of these industry clones don't . You'd probably end up getting angry and use the word bullsh.
Bern But why does this weakness work its way up to the top ?
SirH It works because quick fixers flock together . They can't stick at anything and make it work, so they start to believe that the only thing that works is new and shiny .
Bern And so why do we get these fad fanciers in parliament
SirH Because Noone in business would allow them to spend their hard earned resources this way .
Bern Not all of them are this bad.... surely ?
SirH Of course not , some of those advisors ( like us ) did a good job to even influence these flights of fancy types !
Bern We are pretty brilliant really !