
June 20, 2010

Lighten up ABC 

Bern to Sir H  Did you hear Kevin Rudd ( our PM ) give Kerry O'Brien (730report) a serve on the ABC last week . Lighten up Kerry
Thought Rudd was right on the mark .The interviewer ,not the interviewee  , has the problem "  I was only joking mate !"
What's O Brien  pushing the polls, the pedantry  and tea leaves stuff  .Both parties should know the fickle and avoid it - whenever they can . We can get any amount of that careless talk elsewhere.
What's really worrying the wannabes in the ABC?

Sir H Maybe its projection - the followers  are worried about Rudd's anger because internally they haven't dealt with their own' They look like losing and they are ready to blame anyone but those who are really responsible ( cabinet )
Bern  So the leader becomes the focus of the limitations of the left
SirH  Right on,  They don't know what they are doing and where they are going so the issue becomes personal .
Bern But the ABC don't have any political preference - do they?

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